4 years is a while, right?
Anyway, as probably none of you have noticed, I've not been very active on here in a very long time, and that may or may not change, as I recently discovered people actually still see the music I made a long time ago.
A lot of it disappoints me to be honest, I cut a lot of corners and didn't do a very good job at 'remixing' anything, so just so you know, anything I upload from here on out will be made from scratch.... If anything is made from here on out...
I hope to continue down the path I once did, I really enjoyed making music as mediocre as it was, and if I decide to start doing it again, you have my word that it will meet some kind of quality standard that isn't, well, crap.
Thanks to anyone who even knows who I am, message me on skype I'm usually always on, or steam, at kafka12.
I know the feelin, just comin back on after 6 months. Newgrounds is addictin man :D